Saturday, September 18, 2010

Youkoso! Welcome! Bienvenidos!

Konnichiwa minnasan! [Hello everyone!]

Kochira wa Nihongo no Kurabu no burougu desu! [This is the Japanese Club Blog!]

In this club we will learn about the Japanese culture as well as the Japanese language. You will learn speaking, reading and writing skills. Activities and topics will range from Japanese songs, games, competitions, cultural stories, conversations, current issues, art, writing, Japanese game shows, modern pop culture and fashion, and soooo much more.

Japanese Club will be held on Thursdays at 2:15 in Ms. Kaufhold's room. Oide ne! [Come on in!]

"Do I look Japanese yet?" This was a common question coming from Ms. Kaufhold when she was a young girl in yochien, or Japanese kindergaten (in the white and red). Her little brother (far right), on the other hand, thought he was a Karenja (Power Ranger.)

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